Dedicated | Professional | Trusted
We Strive To Provide You With The Best
A1 strongly believes in providing you with efficient and reliable services! We make the process of getting a maid easy and hassle free for  you!
 All our maids are personally interviewed and handpicked by our experienced recruiter. This is done through thorough checks on their background, work and education history, as well as ensuring health screenings for each individual are completed. Only then would we include them in our list of domestic maid selections.
Based on your requirements, we will ensure that the selected maids go through the relevant and detailed trainings before arriving to serve your needs.
Our customer care service goes beyond the placement of your maid. Our experienced consultants are will continue to work with you to ensure you receive the right support for the entire employment period.
We provide the following services to serve you better:

Hiring of Indonesian, Filipino, Myanmese, Cambodian  & Indian (Mizoram) maids 

Direct hire your own foreign maids

Home Leave Processing

Application of work permits

Renewal of passports and work permits

Embassy endorsement

Cancellation of work permits

Booking and Purchasing of air tickets

Purchasing of banker guarantee and insurance for maids

Repatriation of maids

Arrangement of medical check up for maids

Counselling of maids

 Feel free to enquire about the services we provide. We understand the process, let us lead the way. Speak to us today!

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